Hub Service
Sunday 11am
at St James Benwell, NE15 6RS*
The main service in the team. Join us for our parish eucharist at the same time every Sunday.
*During Winter months (October to April) we worship at Venerable Bede, West Road, NE4 8AP

You are welcome to join us for worship whatever your background, whether you know what you believe or not, or are just curious.
Do not worry if you are unfamiliar with the church; you can watch, listen, and join in as you feel comfortable. If you need assistance or have any questions feel free to ask us on the day or contact us anytime.
Festivals &
special occasions
Regular services
What are services like?
When I arrive
Don't worry about coming in, if the door is closed it's just because it's cold outside!
Service sheets, hymn books, and hand sanitiser are available. You can also ask the welcomer if you have any questions about the service.
At the Hub Service we translate our sermons into Farsi and we use a projector for the liturgy to make it easier for speakers of other languages to follow along.
Taking Communion
Usually, we meet for Holy Communion/mass/eucharist/Lord’s Supper- whatever you know it as! The belief that God meets us in ordinary reality is the heart of our community life.
All baptised people of any denomination are invited to receive communion, we receive wine from a common cup and it is entirely optional.
Alternatively, you are invited to receive a blessing, if you would prefer this just keep your hands together and head bowed when you come forward.
Gluten free bread is available, just let a welcomer or the clergy know before the service if you need this.
Junior church
Children are very welcome to join us, and are valued as much as any adult member of our congregation. We often have activities specifically for children and we will let you know at the time. We also have a children's corner and children are welcome to use the books, toys, and craft supplies!
We are always grateful for donations, but you are welcome in our churches without any pressure or expectation to give.
If you can, set up a standing order or give digitally if you can, or there will be a bowl at the back of church to give something physically.
Live stream video
We live stream the Hub service on social media every week. If you would prefer not to appear on camera then just let us know and we can direct you to a seat where you won't be visible.
The welcome team at services will be more than happy to assist you during your visit. If you would like to inform us in advance that you are interested in coming please click here. Please don't hesitate to get in touch with us!
We are always trying to make our services as accessible as possible, if there are any other ways we can improve things then don't be afraid to let us know.
All our buildings are wheelchair accessible
Accessible toilets are available at St James', St Margaret's, and the Venerable Bede.
We do have sound systems in our churches to help those with hearing impairments, but we apologise that these can be unreliable and we hope to improve this soon.
We often project words to make it easier for everyone to follow.
We have service books available for those who struggle to read at a distance.
We will make an effort to ensure those who lip-read can follow along.